Local developments

Application 22/P3054 - David Lloyd

Planning Application 22/P3054E for a new ten metres high canopy at the David Lloyd Centre. 

At our recent Open Meeting of our Association, which took place on 8 November in West Barnes Library, one of the matters discussed was the planning application for a new canopy to cover outside tennis courts at the David Lloyd centre, overlooking Prince George’s Playing Fields (PGPF). Several concerns were expressed by those present, especially as PGPF are categorised both as Metropolitan Open Land (MOL) and as an area of Site of Importance for Nature (SINC).   

These concerns included, Visual Impact, Light Pollution and Advertising. 

Also, there are special planning policies that apply to proposals for developments in proximity to MOL and SINCs, Consequently, it was decided that the Association should submit an objection to this planning application. 

Our objection may be read here. 

Jerry Cuthbert – Committee Member

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