Local developments
Local Development Framework
For many years, development in Merton has been guided by the Borough’s Unitary Development Plan. Now, under the Planning Act 2004, a local development framework will be used by each local authority to form the guidance for future spatial planning strategy. The Draft Sites and Policies Development Plan, which forms part of Merton’s Local Development Framework, was issued earlier in 2012 and was available for public consultation and comment until the 23 March 2012.
The LDF is to be used by the planning authority to control development and determine planning applications. The aim of the new LDF system is to allow local planning authorities to respond to changing local circumstances. It also intended to provide a greater emphasis on community consultation and engagement in the planning process, when compared with the previous system.
The Draft Sites and Policies Development Plan for Merton can be accessed here under the “Popular” heading or alternatively inspected at libraries.
In particular, you may be interested in the area character study concerning the Grand Drive Area (Section 4, Area 23), which can be accessed here and some further ideas for Raynes Park, here. [Some of the pdf files are rather large]
Updated March 2012