Local developments
More LESSA News - March 2024
Planning Conditions
We have been forwarded to following extract from an email to Cllr John Oliver, which he received from the LBM Planning Department, concerning the “LESSA” Site, Meadowview Road.
“ ……. pre-commencement conditions remain outstanding, so at this point the development cannot lawfully commence. Critically, pre-commencement conditions requiring the submission of a Working Method Statement, Construction Logistics Plan & Demolition and Construction Environmental Management Plan have not yet been discharged (they have been submitted but changes to the documents are required following review by the Council’s Highway Officer). The list of actions included in the letter includes some substantial works which appear to be more than site preparation, such as road formation and retaining wall formation (and possibly other items on the list also). I have, today, asked the consultant dealing with the condition discharge applications to clarify why this letter has been sent, given that pre-commencement conditions remain outstanding. I have advised that no development pursuant to the implementation of the permission be commenced until the conditions are discharged. I have also asked whether any works have commenced, as today was the date that the letter states works will start.
If it is identified that there is a breach of planning control, then the planning department can consider how to progress in terms of planning enforcement.”
On a separate matter, we are aware that some items of archaeological interest have been found during the preliminary dig on the LESSA site and that the findings have been sent to Bellway. Our Chairman, John Elvidge, is pursuing this matter.