Local developments
Wyke Road 17/P0609 and other matters.
A Planning Application in Wyke Road (17/P 0609) to provide 10 one bed flats built as part 3 and part 4 storeys, has been refused but the applicant has submitted an appeal. Over the years there have been several applications for this site, mostly for office space. since it’s very close to the railway tracks and is probably regarded as unsuitable for residential use.
We were informed at the Raynes Park Community Forum on 8th March that Workspace Ltd. were holding discussions with the Council about "further development " on the Rainbow Industrial Estate close to Raynes Park Station which would require planning approval. The nature of the proposals is unknown to us but if planning approval is required it suggests that they are considering a material amendment to the approved residential scheme. Any proposals for additional or new light industrial or storage uses would probably not need planning approval.
A Planning Application for the site of the Dundonald Church in Kingston Road has been submitted (17/P0763) with a proposal to demolish the existing building and replace with a new Church at ground floor level with 15 flats above in a development which would be part 3 and part 5 storey.
We were also informed at the Forum meeting that an application is expected to be submitted soon for the Railway Tavern 641 Kingston Road to convert the building into a hotel. No further details are available at present.
It was pointed out that all these proposals (apart from Dundonald Church) are on sites very close to the railway tracks and it is possible that the motivation for the proposals in some cases is to seek compensation if the ' application site in question proves to be partly or fully 'safeguarded’ (i.e. required for construction) by TfL for the development of Crossrail 2.