Local events
Kids First - March 2015
Monday 2 March, 10am to 2pm (lunch included)
Behaviour Management Workshop
with Duncan Fennemore, a specialist in the management of behaviour in children with SEN
Is your son or daughter’s behaviour difficult to handle, unpredictable & tiring?
Learn strategies to deal with challenging behaviour & underlying anxieties
Chaucer Centre, Room B, Canterbury Road, Morden, SM4 6PX
Thursday 12 March, 11am to 1.30pm (lunch included)
Education, Disability and the Law with Anna Kennedy OBE & Austin Hughes from Ann Kennedy Online& Sean Kennedy, a qualified solicitor advocate
Discrimination, information on advocacy & more . . .
Plus legal advice on care & education issues.
Come along & put your questions to our panel of experts.
Chaucer Centre, Room B, Canterbury Road, Morden, SM4 6PX
Tuesday 24 March, 10am to 12pm
Family Footings with Yvonne Linton, Family Footings Facilitator
Family Footings is a project funded by the Department of Education to support parents to cope with the pressures they experience navigating the SEN system.
Find out how Family Footings can help train parents to think & plan for their children by providing free training in Person Centred Approaches (PCA) which can help improve a child’s outcomes
Chaucer Centre, Room B, Canterbury Road, Morden, SM4 6PX
For catering reasons, please BOOK ahead for all events. Just email us or leave a message on the answerphone with your name, contact details and the event you wish to attend
Tel: 020 8687 4644
website: www.mertonmencap.org.uk/kidsfirst.htm
Merton Mencap. Registered Office Address: The Wilson Hospital, Cranmer Road, Mitcham, Surrey CR4 4TP