Local events

Talk Autism - 24 February 2015

Volunteer Centre Merton with Sharon Clark


Come & find out about the Supported Volunteering Programme for people with learning & sensory difficulties.

Volunteering is a very effective way of helping people to engage, through socialising, overcoming isolation, building self esteem & confidence, & using, or learning new skills.


For parents/carers of young people & adultsaged 16 plus 

Tuesday 24 February,10am to 12pm

Chaucer Centre, Room B, Canterbury Road, Morden, SM4 6PX

Please book ahead for all events where possible 

Contact:                       Tracy Blackwell, Kids First/Talk Autism Administrator , Merton Mencap 

T:    020 8687 4644

Visit us at www.mertonmencap.org.uk



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