Local news
Our Green Spaces
As an association we fight constantly to ensure that residents have access within easy walk to pleasant green spaces.
At present we are working to ensure that the Lessa/Meadowview site is retained for sport, that the Prince George’s/Raynes Park Vale FC site is not compromised by “pub” conditions and that the land behind the houses 274 – 318 Cannon Hill Lane remains both a peaceful habitat for wildlife and a visual delight for those nearby.
We are all responsible for our surroundings and there are simple ways to contribute to the environment.
Always take litter home and encourage youngsters to do so.
Fly tipping
NEVER dispose of unwanted items carelessly and NEVER allow unlicensed operatives to remove your rubbish because you do not know where they will leave it.
Please email us your photos of our amazing parks and fields, to rpwbra@rpwbresidents.org.uk
Clare Townsend