Local news
Road Steward Marjorie Retires
Marjorie moved to Raynes Park in November 1975, on exactly the same day as her neighbours Sue and Alan, and has been a road Steward for about 20 years.
In the photo Marjorie is flanked by Sue (left), who is also a Road Steward and Ann (right), one of our Area Co-Ordinators.
After her husband died, Marjorie thought it might be a good idea to get “out and about” more, so volunteered as a road steward, she has enjoyed the role delivering guides and collecting members subscriptions ever since. She recalls occasions when the subscription money was tipped straight from the family piggy bank and seeing members’ children grow from tots to teenagers.
Now, at 87 years young, Marjorie has decided to retire.
Her “round” has been taken over by Sarah, who lives nearby.