Local news
Lampton Road PPG - Newsletter
Lambton Road Medical Practice Patient Participation Group (PPG)
Written by patients for patients
Full complement of GPs
We're delighted to report that from September LRMP has had a full complement of permanently appointed doctors. This should now greatly reduce the waiting time for an appointment. Below are brief profiles of the new members:
Dr Sat Phadnis - graduated from Sheffield University in 2007 and undertook his GP training in Sutton, Surrey. He enjoys all aspects of general practice and is committed to providing high quality, patient centred care. He also performs joint and soft tissue injections for patients with musculoskeletal conditions. As a new member of the team, Dr Phadnis is ‘looking forward to getting to know the practice population’.
Dr Susie Earle - was a biologist from Hampshire who decided that being a doctor was a more Rewarding career. She studied medicine at the University of London, having commenced GP training in 2009, with early training at St Thomas’s Hospital. She worked at an Elephant and Castle practice before joining LRMP. Susie is particularly interested in chronic disease management and family planning. In her spare time, she enjoys getting out into the country and attempting to improve her cookery skills,’
Flu and shingles jabs
The Flu Campaign has now started for this year.
Anyone over 65 is eligible for a flu jab, so are people of any age who suffer from one of the following conditions: heart disease, diabetes, COPD/asthma, kidney or liver disease; have had a stroke or are immune suppressed. Children aged two to four will be offered a flu vaccination via nasal spray rather than an injection. If you are a pregnant woman, please ask your doctor or nurse about the flu and pertussis (whooping cough) vaccination programme. The national shingles immunization programme for 2014/15 is also up and running until 31 August next year. Any patient aged 70, 78 and 79 between these dates is eligible for the shingles vaccine and should contact the surgery. Those who are 80 and over are excluded from this programme.
Water cooler
Those patients who have requested the provision of drinking water in the waiting room will be pleased to see the brand new water cooler. The LRMP apologises that it has taken longer to be installed than anticipated due to some early technical problems. You now need no longer go thirsty while waiting to see your doctor!
ECG pilot scheme
If you need an ECG test, you can now have one on the same day – without having to go to a hospital somewhere else! Where appropriate, your doctor will refer you to the service provided by Kingston Hospital on the ground floor of our building. Kingston Hospital is extending this service to other patients in the borough.
Local voluntary and support groups
The PPG is always interested to hear about local groups, and at the last meeting had a presentation from Rethink about mental illness. There is more information below, and we may make this a regular feature.
If you are affected by mental illness, you may be interested in the local support group Rethink Mental Illness. It offers advice, information and support to those suffering from schizophrenia, bi-polar disorder and clinical depression. This is a free, independent service staffed by trained professionals. Its local branch meets at the Wimbledon Guild (30/32 Worple Road, SW19 4EF. 0300 5000 927) every Wednesday between 5.00 – 8.00 pm. Just turn up and speak to one of the volunteers. Pick up a Rethink leaflet at Reception for more information.
No shows
The number of missed GP appointments for the month of August came to 135 – about 1 in 20 of all appointments. Please inform the Practice as soon as you know you will not be able to keep an appointment, so that others can use it.
Over 75s questionnaire
We’d like to thank all who replied to this. More to follow in the next issue. In the meantime we’d refer you to our yellow over 75 booklet Local services for older people – copies from Reception.
To Contact us: email Lambtonroadppg@hotmail.co.uk or leave a note with Reception
PPG Members: Jan Bailey, Charlotte Bennett, Nicki Borne, Judith Brodie, Jenny Cairns (Chair), Marilyn Frampton, Clare Gummett, Jacques Lee, Dennis Railey, Marie Robertson