Local news

Lambton Road PPG - June 2015

Lambton Road Medical Practice - Patient Participation Group (PPG)

NEWSLETTER April 2015 No.12Written by patients for patients 

Annual General Meeting - 14 March 2015 

We thank all patients who attended our second Annual General Meeting. Full Minutes and appendices have been sent to patients on our mailing list and are also available to view in our Minutes Book in Reception. 

The outgoing Chair (Jenny Cairns) reported on the achievements of the PPG over the past year, and that our focus for the coming year will be “Measuring and Enhancing the Quality of Patient Experience”. 

Clare Gummett of Merton Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) gave a very interesting presentation on “Changes to the NHS in Merton”. The incoming Chair (Judith Brodie) and Dr Conor Molony thanked retiring members, Jenny Cairns, Clare Gummett and Jacques Lee, for their much valued contributions to the work of the PPG. Appendices to the Minutes include more details. Participation from the floor covered a range of questions including appointments, buggy park, positioning of PPG Notice Board and parking facilities. Full details of the questions and answers can be seen in the Minutes Book in Reception. 

At the end of Questions and Answers it was good to hear the view expressed that we have an excellent Practice with excellent clinical skills. Why not, if you are on email, send us your email address via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to ensure you get future Newsletters and AGM Minutes sent to you directly? It is also a way of contacting us with any feedback about the Practice – we always want to hear it either by email or by leaving us a note at Reception. 

Nelson Health Centre

The Nelson Health Centre (built on the site of the old Nelson Hospital opened last month. It brings a wide range of health and care services to our local community, including diagnostic and outpatient facilities covering x-rays, physiotherapy, diabetes, phlebotomy, cardiology, gastroenterology, endoscopy, and other clinical services. It also houses the new Nelson Medical Practice, an amalgamation of two local GP practices (Cannon Hill Lane and Church Lane). Fuller details are available on the Merton CCG website: www.mertonccg.nhs.uk 

Cancelling appointments

If you wish to cancel an appointment, please telephone the cancellation line 020 3668 1946; this will enable the slot to be made available to another patient. No other services are available on this number. 

Information for older patients 

The new national programme gives everyone at age 75 a named GP who will be responsible for co-ordinating their care. The Practice writes to patients around the time of their 75th birthday informing them of the GP who will be  responsible for them, and giving details of the dedicated telephone line number which can be used by the over 75s between 10 am and 12 noon Mon-Fri for non-urgent enquiries/ making appointments.  


Additionally, Nurse Marlon Molina has taken responsibility for elderly care, and he can help to liaise with your named GP to maintain your good health and independence.

The Practice is constantly trying to improve the care for all groups, and trusts these measures will help care for our older generation at a challenging time for general practice. 

A Practical Guide to Healthy Ageing” prepared by NHS England and Age UK may be of  interest.   It is a clear, well laid-out document

containing helpful general information - but it should not be used as a substitute for seeking specific advice from a GP. Copies may be ordered free either online at www.orderline.dh.gov.uk, or by calling 0300 123 1002 quoting reference HA1. 

Dementia Care and Support 

(1)        Kingston Hospital is launching an appeal to raise £750,000 to transform Dementia Care. A leaflet/information can be obtained here or by phoning 020 8934 2470. Most hospitals have their own charities. For example, details of St George’s can be found at http://www.stgeorgeshospitalcharity.org.uk/ 

(2)        The Memory Lane Club, a meeting place for people with dementia and their carers, is now open every Wednesday morning, in the Sacred Heart Parish Lounge, Edge Hill, SW19 4LU. chat and games, all in an atmosphere of warmth and friendship.   For more information contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. 

For more information about the Patient Participation Group, Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or leave a note with Reception.

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