Local news

Lambton Road Medical Practice - January 2016

Written by patients for patients 

Listening Week – 2

Many thanks to all those who participated at the Practice or online by filling in the survey form and comments leaflet. We had a great response – a total of 400 survey replies and, additionally, over 100 comments card responses. These are now being analysed and we will let you have further information in due course. We particularly appreciated the time given by patients who talked to us on a one-to-one basis. 

Local Services for Older People – 2015 edition

This booklet, which gives details of services that are available for older patients in our area, has been updated by the PPG. After their 75th birthday the Practice will write to patients with details of their dedicated doctor and will include a copy of this booklet. Patients who recently attained the age of 75 will also be sent a copy. 

We did make a formal application to NHS England for a grant towards its production. Our application, although unsuccessful, was highly commended. Our thanks to the Practice, therefore, for meeting the cost of printing this updated version. 

The booklet is on the Practice website under Our Documents or a copy may be obtained via Reception. We hope you will find it useful, and if you spot any services that we’ve missed please let us have details (either by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by leaving a note with Reception for passing on to us) for inclusion in any future edition. 

Revised guide to healthy ageing

NHS England, in partnership with Age UK, has published a revised version of A Practical Guide to Healthy Ageing (mentioned in our April Newsletter). The guide is particularly relevant for people aged around 70 years who may be suffering from mild frailty. It covers key areas including preventing falls, staying well in winter, eye and foot care and mental social isolation, with suggestions on when to seek medical advice and support. Free copies of the guide can be ordered by calling 0300 123 1002 quoting reference HA2, or online via www.orderline.dh.gov.uk 

Brief Profile of Doctor Johns who recently joined our Practice

Melloney Johns studied medicine on the graduate entry program at St George’s Hospital Medical School, qualifying in 2009. She completed her GP training at Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospitals and worked in an inner city practice in Lambeth until moving to join Lambton Road in September this year. Her particular interests include nutrition, health promotion and preventative medicine. She enjoys running and travel. 

We are thinking about the possibility of a new look News letter in the New Year, but meanwhile we send Seasons Greetings to all our fellow patients and best wishes for a healthy 2016. 

Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or leave a note with Reception 


Patient Participation Group (PPG) Members: Jan Bailey, Charlotte Bennett, Judith Brodie (Chair), Elsa Browne, Janice Cameron, Marilyn Frampton, Lisa Manara, Ian Ritchie, Marie Robertson, Elizabeth Savidge

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