Local news
Raynes Park Afternoon Townwomen's Guild - July 2016
Once again, the engaging harpist Margaret Watson gave us an excellent and entertaining performance when she came to our May meeting. With pieces ranging from part of a Beethoven Harp Concerto to folk tunes, there was something for everyone in her thoroughly enjoyable programme.
Eileen’s Coffee Morning at the end of May was a well received occasion, and then - success at last! This year the lunch club managed to choose a fine day for their annual trip to The Rocket in Putney, so the first time members were able to sit outside to benefit fully from this Pub’s riverside location!
The following week, a small group braved the changeable weather and the rather awkward journey to visit Kenwood House, Hampstead on 14th June. The house proved to be a bit of a treasure with renovated original décor, interesting furniture pieces and fine collections of paintings. After a slow examination of all the rooms we were ready to repair to the café for sandwiches, but disappointed that it was raining again when we emerged. This stopped us finding the dairy and touring the extensive garden to admire the views, but with things still to see we may visit again in May 2016 to catch the rhododendrons in full flower.
The June meeting was a red, white and blue themed social to celebrate our 83rdbirthday party and the Queen’s 90th. A friendly, relaxed afternoon, we enjoyed tea together followed by a piece of cake and a toast to the Queen.
With a Midsummer Lunch at Eileen’s house on 30th June, the lunch club off to The Woodman on 5th July, a visit planned for The London Wetland Centre, Barnes on 12thJuly and a Barbecue at Dorothy’s scheduled for 28th July, there are plenty of other activities over the next few weeks to keep members busy.
Our next regular monthly meeting (held on the third Thursday of each month) will be on Thursday, 21st July at 1.30 for 1.45 pm at St Saviour’s Church Hall when Peter Rainey will tell us all about ‘Wiltshire Farm Foods’. Visitors are always welcome to our meetings or other activities.
For more information please telephone.
Dorothy Raymond Tel: 020 8395 9489