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Pavilion Fire Safety Assessment Plan






1          Premises particulars

2          General statement of policy

3          Management systems

4.         Duties of Persons Presiding

5          General description of the premises

6          Fire safety systems

7          Plan drawing

8          Fire hazards

9          Evaluate, remove or reduce and protect from the risk

10         Fire prevention, opening and closing the building.

11         Fire safety signs and notices

12.        Fire warning systems and Emergency Lighting

13         Fire fighting equipment

14         Maintenance

15         Method of calling the fire service. Method of calling the Fire Service

16         Emergency Action Plan (EAP)

17         Training

18         Rectification of fire safety deficiencies 


1          Premises particulars 

            Name and address of premises: 129 Grand Drive, London SW20 9LY 

            Use of Premises: Private Club House 

            Owner in control of the workplace: Raynes Park and West Barnes Residents’ Association and its tenants, where the tenant is using the Pavilion. 

            Telephone number: The Pavilion has no telephone. 

            Date of Risk Assessment: 13 February 2025

            Date of review: to be reviewed on or before: 01 February 2026

            Name & relevant details of the person carrying out the Fire Risk Assessment (“The Plan”): 

            Jeremy Cuthbert, Committee Member 

2          General statement of policy 

It is the policy of the Association that all persons, including tenants and contractors to ensure the Pavilion is a safe place to visit. 

3          Management systems 

OrganisationThe Chairman of the Association shall appoint a volunteer to review this Plan on an annual basis. 

Responsibility – Either in the case of tenants hiring the Pavilion for whatever purpose or, where the Association is using the Pavilion itself, the person presiding over the meeting or event shall be responsible for the health and safety of all occupants during each period of use. In this Plan, this person is called, “the Person Presiding”. 

Duties - The Person Presiding shall ensure he/she is familiar with this plan and shall fulfil and comply with the duties in Section 4 below. 

MonitoringIn the event of an accident, the Person Presiding shall complete an entry in the accident book.

Review – The accident book shall be reviewed regularly by the Chairman of the Association or a member of the Association nominated by the Chairman for such purpose. 

4.         Duties of Persons Presiding 

The Person Presiding shall ensure that: 

4.1       At the start of every event: 

·                     Take responsibility for the safety of occupants whilst they are on the premises.

·                     Ensure all occupants are aware of the non-smoking policy and are reminded of the location of fire exits.

·                     Ensure safe use of the cooker and other appliances.

·                     Check that the main doors and fire exits are not locked or obstructed.

·                     Ensure a mobile phone is available at all times for calling the emergency services.

·                     Ensure the occupants know that the alarm is raised by shouting “fire, fire, fire” and to immediately evacuate the building. 

4.2       At the end of every event, check that: 

·                     All combustible materials are away from potential ignition sources

·                     The electrical appliances are switched off (with the exception of the wall-mounted space heaters, which are on timers and shall be left, switched "on")

·                     The cooker is off.

·                     The toilets are unoccupied. 

4.3       In the event of an accident, the Person Presiding shall complete an entry in the accident book. 

4.4       In the event of a fire evacuation or drill: 

·                     Check that both toilets are unoccupied

·                     Ensure all occupants are safely evacuated and present in the assembly point. 

4.5       In the event of a fire being discovered, raise the alarm by shouting “fire, fire, fire” and that the building is immediately evacuated. 

4.6       Read this Plan and understand it, at least annually. 

4.7       If presiding on more than 50 separate days in any consecutive twelve months, hold a fire drill. 

4.8       Advise the Chairman of the Raynes Park and West Barnes Residents Association of any deficiencies in this plan. 

5          General description of the premises 

Construction detail of the premises: The Pavilion is a single storey prefabricated building, principally of timber construction. 

Approximate age of premises    approximately 60 Years

 Times in use: Occasional, both daytimes and evenings. 

Size of the premises: 105 Sq metres 

6          Fire safety systems 

The Pavilion is principally comprised of one large room, with a separate kitchen area which is fully visible from the main room, due to a large service hatch and counter which has no shutters. 

Only the two toilets (one suitable for disabled persons) are not visible from the main room. However, these are each directly accessible from the main room. 

Access to the outside is either via steps through the main doors/lobby or through the Fire Exit, which is located immediately between the doorway giving access to the kitchen area and the door to the disabled toilet. The Fire Exit has step-free access. 

Water Fire extinguishers are provided at two locations around the main room and a CO2 extinguisher in the kitchen. 

There are no fire alarms or emergency lighting installed. 

The Association has a No-Smoking policy, anywhere on the premises, both internally and externally. 

7          Plan drawing


8          Fire hazards 

Ignition sources: Cooker/oven, Space Heaters, Electrical appliances, Portable electrical appliances, Lighting, Arson.

Fuel sources: The building and furniture, Papers and documents, Curtains and tea towels, Display materials, Waste.

Policy: The Association’s policy is that none of the above fuel sources will be left in proximity to ignition sources.

 Structural features: The building has two large inaccessible cavities, the roof void, (between the ceiling and roof) and the underfloor void. The most likely cause of fire within these voids would be from an electrical fault. Such a fire would probably burn for some time before it would become noticeable. 

9          Evaluate, remove or reduce and protect from the risk 

The main risk of fire is from the cooker, an electrical fault or space heater. 

Fire risk could also arise from contractors’ works e.g.blow-lamp. 

Either in the case of tenants, hiring the Pavilion for whatever purpose or, where the Association is using the Pavilion itself, the Person Presiding shall ensure that: 

·                     He/she takes responsibility for the safety of occupants whilst they are on the premises.

·                     All occupants are aware of the non-smoking policy and are reminded of the location of fire exits.

·                     Disabled persons are shown the Fire Exit, which has step-free access.

·                     Safe use of the cooker and other appliances.

·                     In the event of a fire evacuation, check that both toilets are unoccupied. 

10         Fire prevention, opening and closing the building. 

It is important to take all necessary precautions to keep flammable materials away from ignition sources. Due to the construction of the building, once a fire becomes established it would be very difficult to control. 

Both the main doors and the fire exit lead directly to external open space from which evacuation is easy, so the whole building could be evacuated in under two minutes. 

The Person Presiding at each and every event shall, at the start, check that the main doors and fire exit are not locked or obstructed.

The only exit from the toilet cubicles is via the main room from which both the fire exit and main doors are accessible. Therefore, in the event of a fire evacuation, the Person Presiding shall check that both toilets are unoccupied. 

At the end of every event, the Person Presiding shall check that:

·                     All combustible materials are away from potential ignition sources

·                     Electrical appliances are switched off (with the exception of the wall-mounted space heaters, which are on timers and shall be left, switched "on")

·                     The cooker is off

·                     The toilets are unoccupied. 

11         Fire safety signs and notices 

The main doors and fire exit shall be appropriately signed. The signs shall be visible and not be obscured. 

The fire exit shall be appropriately signed on the outside. 

The fire extinguishers shall be indicated. 

12.        Fire warning systems and Emergency Lighting 

• There is no automatic fire warning or emergency lighting system. 

13         Fire fighting equipment      

Three fire extinguishers are provided. These shall be subject to an annual maintenance regime. 

14         Maintenance

 All persons presiding shall read this Plan, at least annually. 

All exits, signage, extinguishes shall be visually checked once a month. 

15         Method of calling the fire service 

The Person Presiding shall ensure a mobile phone is available at all times for calling the emergency services. 

16         Emergency Action Plan 

In the event of a fire being discovered, the occupants shall raise the alarm by shouting “fire, fire, fire” and the Person Presiding shall ensure the building is immediately evacuated.

 Disabled persons must leave via the Fire Exit.

The fire extinguishers shall only be used to aid evacuation. 

The fire brigade shall be called using 999 on the mobile phone. 

The assembly point is marked by a sign and is located in No 3 Tennis Court, adjacent to the gate from that court into the main pedestrian access path. 

The Person Presiding shall check all occupants are safely evacuated and present in the assembly point. 

17         Training 

All Persons Presiding shall read this Plan at least every 12 months. 

Any Person Presiding on more than 50 separate days in any consecutive twelve months shall hold a fire drill. 

18         Rectification of fire safety deficiencies 

All Persons Presiding shall advise the Chairman of the Raynes Park and West Barnes Residents Association of any deficiencies in this plan.


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