Local news

Bonfire & waste disposal in Merton

These  notes are intended to give guidance  on methods of disposing  of garden waste and rubbish so as to avoid causing  nuisance to your neighbours. 

1. Where  at all possible, garden waste  should be composted. From  1 April 2011 you will need to take your garden waste to the reuse and recycling centre  in Garth Road. We are also encouraging  you to take advantage  of our compost  bin offer. We are working  in partnership with Straight and are able to offer residents with gardens or allotments  a special deal on compost  bins. Details are on ourwebsite at www.merton.getcompostinq.com   or you can phone  0844 5714444 to find out more.

2. lf you need to dispose of unwanted  materials or refuse you can take them to the Civic Amenity  Site at Garth Road, Morden  (open daily 8am to 4pm)

3. Residents  can book a free collection for bulky  waste of up to five items once every three months. The free collection  includes fridges and freezers.  A minimum fee of £10 for additional  items collected at the same time, covering  up to three  additional  items with £4 charged for the ninth item and tenth item.  The maximum  number of items that can be collected  is 10. Please contact the Council waste help line on 020 8274 4942 to arrange  a collection

lf you consider that you do need to have a bonfire please have particular regard to your neighbours.  Generally  do not start a bonfire if they have washing  hanging outside  or on summer  evenings  and weekends  when they may be enjoying  the amenities  of the open air.

* Only burn dry materials or a burn with a minimum  of smoke

* Keep a good flame burning  and feed the fire little and often.
* Do not leave the fire to smoulder  or smoke.
* Do not try to burn items such as grass cuttings.
* NEVER  burn rubber, lino, oily or plastic materials which give off a black strongly smelling  smoke.
* Contractors  carrying out work at your property  must not burn waste and vou must ensure that they arrange  for proper disposal
of waste from your property.

lf you require further information  or advice please contact the Environmental Health Section on 020 8545 3025. For information  about refuse disposal, recycling or composting  please contact 0208 2744902 or go to www.merton.gov.uk.

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