Local news
Raynes Park Townswomen's Guild - June 2019
As it was close to Easter, our April meeting was a “do-it-yourself” with a Beetle Drive, which had an Easter theme. Everyone received an Easter Egg, and the winner received an orchid plant.
At the time of writing, we are looking forward to our May meeting, when Bob Sinfield will be coming to tell us about “The Great Unwatched”. This talk is about Radio Broadcasting.
Our June meeting will be our 86th Birthday Party, which includes a musical entertainment.
Later in the year we have our annual outing, which is on Thursday 15th August. We are going to Brighton, and we would welcome others who would like to join us. The cost will be £16.
We are hoping to leave around 9.30 am with pick-ups at Motspur Park, Raynes Park Station and Greenway - but this awaits confirmation. We would appreciate bookings and payment by the last week in July.
For further details of our meetings, and of our social activities please get in touch.
Dorothy Raymond