Local news
Townswomen's Guild - July 2019
Raynes Park (Afternoon) Townswomen's Guild
At our May meeting, Bob Sinfield came to give us a talk which he entitled “The Great Unwatched”. His informative talk was both entertaining and amusing. We had no idea that a talk about Radio Broadcasting would be so interesting.) Townswomen’s Guild.
Also in May, 10 members attended a TG Federation Lunch held in St. Bede’s Conference Centre, (which is behind St. Raphael’s Hospice) to mark the 90th Birthday of the Townswomen’s Guild. It was a very good meal, and a most enjoyable occasion.
At the time off writing, we are looking forward to our June meeting, when we will be celebrating our 86th Birthday with a tea and a musical entertainment from ‘Fool Circle’. (Formed only 4 years after TG began, we believe we are one of the oldest Guilds in the London area.)
Our July meeting also has a musical theme with the return of the ‘Nonsuch Handbell Ringers’. No doubt they will again be encouraging some of us to ‘have a go’ at ringing the bells.
The following month we have our annual outing, which is on Thursday 15th August. This year we are going to Brighton, and we would welcome others who would like to join us. The cost will be £16.
We are hoping to leave around 9.30 am with pick-ups at Motspur Park, Raynes Park Station and Greenway - but this awaits confirmation. We would appreciate bookings and payment by the last week in July.
For further details of our meetings, and of our social activities please get in touch.
Dorothy Raymond. Tel: 0208 395 9489