Local news
Townswomen's Guild - March 2020
Raynes Park (Afternoon)Townswomen’s Guild.
At our January meeting, Beryl Smith from the Kent, Surrey and Sussex Air Ambulance gave a most interesting talk about their work, and details of the new Air Ambulance which can be transformed into an operating theatre. She illustrated her talk with informative slides.
At the time of writing, we are busy preparing for our February meeting, which will be our AGM. Annual subscriptions will be paid, and the new officers and committee for the coming year will be elected by the members. This will be followed by a Bring and Buy Sale and a Dutch Auction of unsold items - to boost our funds.
Our programme of speakers will resume in March, when Mike Grimshaw will be giving a talk entitled “Shetland”. Some of you may recognise his name as he was booked to give us this talk in October but had to cancel at the last minute for personal reasons. He has assured us that nothing will prevent him this time.
The meeting will take place in St. Saviour’s Church Hall on Thursday 19th March at 1.30 pm. As usual, all are welcome to come along to the meeting.