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Changes to Constituency Boundaries - Update March 2022

Do you live in Parkway, specifically from No 22 or above that number?

Or, perhaps in Elm Walk in an odd number from 49 or above?

Or in Elm Walk, in an even number from 80 or above?

Or Meadow Close (even numbers 66 and above)? 

If so, then the Boundary Commission proposes moving you from the “Wimbledon” constituency (MP: Stephen Hammond) to “Mitcham and Morden” (MP: Siobhain McDonagh) .

The Boundary Commission's proposals are now out for a second stage public consultation. 

We think these streets have been reallocated simply to even up the numbers between the two constituencies. However, most residents in these streets do, we are sure, logically feel part of the Wimbledon constituency, which encompasses most of the Raynes Park and West Barnes areas, as against being in either Morden and Mitcham, which are both much further away. 

The proposals are now in their final public consultation stage, with a closing date of 4 April 2022. So there is still time to make a submission. To find out more and how to submit your views, visit https://www.bcereviews.org.uk/

Jerry Cuthbert, March 2022

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