Planned roadworks

Grand Drive Residents - Encouraging News

Following a great deal of work by Grand Drive several residents, those of us living in the Grand Drive area, which has suffered from deteriorating conditions, (for all sorts of reasons), are encouraged by the steps which are to be taken.

However, we found it hard to convince Merton Council officers of the urgency of our situation. We had a less than satisfactory Zoom meeting with some officers and other meetings were held with various councillors, which did not prove beneficial.

However, a local resident invited Councillor Ross Garrod,  the Leader of the Council, to attend a meeting at her home.

We have now received a letter outlining measures to be taken.

The council has reminded the Garth Road operatives of the London Lorry Scheme and of weight and speed restrictions on Grand Drive.

Weight restriction signs will be installed at the entrance of roads in August 2024.

Additional 20mph signs along Grand Drive, will be installed (July 24) and 20mph roundels will be painted in August 2024.

Carriageway resurfacing between Church Walk and Meadowsweet, will be undertaken: 27th -30th August 2024

Councillor Garrod has also written to TfL regarding speeding buses and has requested 20mph cameras in Grand Drive. (Police action)

These are all welcome steps towards improvements for Grand Drive residents.


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