Prince George's Playing Fields

Prince George's playing field, situated South of Bushey Rd. is the largest open green space within our area of interest and carries both M.O.L. (Metropolitan open land) and S.I.N.C. (site of importance for nature conservation) status.

The field is currrently in private ownership, although there is along history of public access for sport and recreation. The Fields were previously owned by The London Playing Fields Society for more than 100 years -


football on pgs

The association has campaigned against recent planning applications which could have increased traffic on the grass and allowed more commercial uses on the field, particularly many more car boot sales - in addition to the existing annual limit of 14 allowed under "General Permitted Development" planning regulations.



There are concerns about drainage on Prince George's, as heavy rain can turn the Northern end of the field into a temporary lake alongside Bushey Rd. These photos were taken in January 2011.


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