Chairman's Blog - March 2015
This month, our Blog is by Jill Truman, Editior of "The Guide", our monthly magazine for members.
Public Meetings about the Proposed redevelopment of Plough Lane
Merton Council organised a public meeting on 11th February to give Merton residents the opportunity to hear directly from applicants, AFC Wimbledon and Galliard Homes, about their proposals for a new 11,000-2,000-seat football stadium, retail and residential development.
The meeting was chaired by Merton Councils’ head of sustainable communities James McGinlay. Wandsworth Council held a similar meeting for their residents.
Merton Council took the decision to host these meetings given the huge public interest in such a major development in the borough.
The planning application and associated documents are available on Merton’s website. (Reference 14/P4361).
New Neighbourhood Watch Group – a chance to save money on your home insurance!
Association Member and Cannon Hill Resident, Lizzy Ewer, has started a Neighbourhood Watch group for that part of Cannon Hill Lane that stretches from Grand Drive to the mini roundabout. To join, residents in that area should email Lizzy on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Members can then receive the weekly crime reports from the police. It is worth taking part in the scheme because some insurance companies will offer a reduced premium to NHW members.
Morden Park and Playing Fields Association
Residents who enjoy using Morden Park will be interested to note that there is an Association dedicated to looking after the Park. Elsewhere in this issue, we carry details of their monthly litter picking and work sessions. You might wish to join them for some exercise whilst gaining a ‘feel good’ factor by helping to keep the Park pristine.
It’s worth also mentioning that litter blowing into the East Pyl Brook, flowing through the park, winds up in the Pyl Brook and can create blockages in the culvert with inevitable results!
Jill Truman