Guide Editor's Blog - September 2016

This month, the Chairman's Blog is taken over by the Editor of The Guide, our monthly magazine, which is distributed to all members.

Motspur Park Post Office 

Following local consultation, the relocation of the Post Office branch at Motspur Park has been confirmed, a few yards along the road to Ecklee (not Eckle as the PO insists!) convenience store, 345 West Barnes Lane. The new location is currently planned to open for business at 1.00pm on Friday 2 Sept. 

Among the claimed benefits will be improved disabled access and significantly longer opening hours, although a small number of types of transaction will not be available ay the branch. Full details are available at:  

Merton Walk 4 life

Free health walks in Merton’s parks and open spaces.  Walking in the fresh air is good for you, lowering blood pressure and helping other health issues such as diabetes, and building strong bones and flexibility.  Plus you can make new friends too.  Walk in safety with our led walks which last around 1 hour but you can walk for less and at your own pace.  Details of walk venue’s, dates and times on our web site  

Abundance Wimbledon 

Abundance volunteers pick fruit in gardens around Wimbledon, and use it for jam, baking or freezing.   Some of it is donated to the Wimbledon Guild and other groups providing food for the needy, and they have lots of fun doing this. 

Do you have a fruit tree in the garden and can’t use all the fruit?

Please give excess fruit to Abundance – we may be able to help you pick it. 

Would you like to help us pick fruit in the summer? We’d really appreciate your help, even just or an hour or two.  Or we can lend you a fruit-picking pole so you can pick your own. 

Which other good causes would like free fruit?  Suggest other local non-commercial groups. 

Please get in touch if you can help in any way.  CONTACT:

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The Editor for The Guide




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