Chairman's Blog - March 2021


We are still awaiting the Inspector’s report on the planning appeal brought by Redrow against the Council’s refusal of its plans to build 456 flats in 7 tower blocks in Burlington Road.

The delay is being caused by the pandemic, which has so far delayed the Inspector from undertaking her own visit to the site. This is a fundamental part of her decision. However, the Planning Inspectorate is exercising caution with its site visits at the moment..

We will let you know on our website as soon as we hear anything further.

(For previous reports, click here.


Bellway has put a planning application to build a large number of houses and flats on the sports ground at Meadowview Road, off Grand Drive.    Over 200 strong letters of objection have been made, including those by the Residents’ Association.

The 44 houses which now comprise Meadowview Road were allowed by a planning inspector in 2009 as an enabling development on the clear basis that the whole of the rest of the area should be retained for sporting purposes. We are urging the planning officers not to recommend approval, given the clear need expressed by local sports clubs and a junior school for continued use of the ground for football and cricket.

You can read more here .


Many members of the Association will already have been given their first dose of vaccine, and all those over 65 should have been offered the jab by the end of March.  

Locally this has largely taken place at the Nelson and the Wilson Hospitals, as well as at Kingston, St George’s & Epsom and various smaller venues.

People say how efficiently and carefully the whole process has been organised, with volunteers assisting with guidance, and with no long waiting times.

It’s an enormous task, and all the staff of the NHS deserve our warmest thanks and congratulations.


After the wettest January for many years, we had to endure one of our coldest and snowiest Februarys.  At least the children could escape lockdown for a bit and make snowmen and snowballs.

Let’s hope that March brings a heatwave!

Kind regards to all          John Elvidge

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